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Avionics Specification and Upgrade
CNS/ATM, TAWS, ACAS, VDL, ADS-B, EGPWS; it is an alphabet jungle if you are dealing with the explosion of avionics available for your new or older aircraft. New products are becoming available so rapidly, it is nearly impossible to know all of the potential options. Whether you are purchasing a new aircraft requiring avionics specification or are considering an avionics upgrade for your existing aircraft, let RVSM HELP show you the possibilities.
Many aircraft are now being affected by the new FAA regulation concerning terrain awareness. If you are subject to the TAWS requirements, there are now several excellent systems available with many different display options. RVSM HELP can assist you in determining which installation would be best for your aircraft and operation.
If you are about to tackle international operations for the first time, in addition to the certification requirements involved, there may be additional equipment upgrades to complete. These may include communications upgrades to extended range VHF coverage with 8.33 khz frequency spacing, along with High Frequency and satellite communication (SATCOM) and data link demands. A collision avoidance system upgraded to the latest change status may be required. Additional navigation equipment approved for remote areas of navigation will likely be needed. Whatever your needs, RVSM HELP will provide you with a realistic and cost effective solution.
Or maybe you just want to upgrade that tired, old cockpit. Now the possibilities are endless. Don't let that avionics salesman talk you into something before you understand exactly what it is and how it will affect your aircraft and operation. Avionics personnel often speak in a language that flight crews don't understand, and vice versa. The installation that worked well for the last operator may not fit your needs at all. If you are not familiar with the language of avionics, let RVSM HELP translate for you to insure your new installation truly meets your needs.
Please don't make an expensive mistake!