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RVSM Certification
Until recently, the accuracy of available altimeter systems allowed 1000 foot vertical separation of traffic up to Flight Level 290. Above that, traffic had to be separated by 2000 feet due to the inherent inaccuracies of these altimeters. This produced the Conventional Vertical Separation Minimums (CVSM) we have flown with for years.
With the introduction of digital technology and new generation Air Data Computers, it became possible to achieve the necessary altimeter accuracy above FL290 to allow the same 1000 foot vertical separations that existed below FL290. This led to the development of Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) airspace with its increased number of available Flight Levels and increased traffic capacity.
The first airspace to implement RVSM operations was the North Atlantic in 1997. Since then, RVSM has been implemented in the Pacific, the Western Atlantic, the South Atlantic, Australia, Europe, the Western Pacific, and Northern Canada. In January 2005, the Federal Aviation Administration implemented RVSM in United States domestic airspace (DRVSM) to coincide with RVSM implementation throughout the remainder of North America. Now, it does not matter whether you operate one of these,
one of these,
or even one of these,
if your operation requires access to altitudes at or above FL290 within US airspace, you need RVSM Certification from the FAA.
The RVSM certification process is not difficult, but it is time consuming with many steps along the way. RVSM HELP was created to provide the new or existing RVSM user a source for RVSM information, and to ease your transition into RVSM certification and operations. Whether you only want preliminary certification guidance, or desire a source to handle the entire RVSM certification process, RVSM HELP has your solution.
Whether you are new to RVSM operations or just seeking RVSM Authorization renewal, let RVSM HELP coordinate your RVSM plans.